What is a notebook?

Scripts only let you write code and comments. Notebooks let you write code and text – headers, paragraphs, etc. – in the same document. By default they render into an easy-to-read HTML document.

Notebooks always have the .Rmd extension (e.g., notebook.Rmd.)

Creating a notebook

“File -> New File -> R Notebook”. A demo notebook will pop up. Delete the demo text and code and start writing/coding!


Working in a notebook

There are three parts to a notebook:

  1. YAML (formatting the document)
  2. Text (writing)
  3. Code chunks (coding)

You can then render the notebook to an HTML file.


The stuff at the top in between the ---. The default is:

title: "R Notebook"
output: html_notebook

You can change the title and add an author:

title: "My title"
author: "First Last"
output: html_notebook

and that suffices for a basic notebook. For more options see the Markdown checkpoint.


Write plain text in Markdown.

Code chunks

Code gets entered in “chunks” – the highlight boxes with “fences” (three open and closed backticks).

Rendering a notebook

Click on “Preview notebook” to see the rendered HTML document.

Every time you change the file and save it, the document will re-render.

All notebooks are saved with .Rmd extension. After you render the notebook, in your files you will see a new file with the extension .nb.html. So iff your notebook is called notebook.Rmd, the rendered file is called notebook.nb.html.


R Markdown

R Notebooks are part of a much bigger document ecosystem driven by R Markdown.

R Markdown lets you turn the same document into a HTML, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or PDF.

Learn more at the official R Markdown site and the definitive guide.

Here is the notebook rendered (or “knitted”) to a Word file: