Plot a one-dimensional, user-defined function

  derivative = FALSE,
  optimize = FALSE,
  maximum = FALSE,
  roots = FALSE,
  optim = FALSE,



a single-line function


an integer indicating the lower bound


an integer indicating the upper bound


optimize the function and plot the optimum and FOC (defaults to FALSE). If TRUE it defaults to finding the global minimum. Set maximum = TRUE to find the global maximum.


find and plot the roots over the given domain (defaults to FALSE)


use optim() to find optima (defaults to FALSE and uses optimize() which only implements Brent optimization)


additional arguments passed to optim() if optim = TRUE


if optimize = TRUE find the maximum (defaults to FALSE and finds the minimum)


ggplot object


Lawrence R. De Geest


# declare some function ## right now the function needs to be declared on a single line f = function(x) -x^2 + 10*x # plot the function over the domain x = {0, ..., 10} plot_function(f, lower = 0, upper = 10)
# calculate and show the global maximum over the domain. Default is minimization, so set maximum to TRUE: plot_function(f, lower = 0, upper = 10, optimize = TRUE, maximum = TRUE)
# show that the optimal point occurs where the derivative is zero (i.e., the first-order condition): plot_function(f, lower = 0, upper = 10, derivative = TRUE, roots = TRUE)
# you can also define an anonymous function (i.e., define a function on the fly *inside* `plot_function`): plot_function(function(x) sin(x) + sin(3*x) + cos(3*x), lower = 0, upper = 6)
# and show all roots over the domain: plot_function(function(x) sin(x) + sin(3*x) + cos(3*x), lower = 0, upper = 6, roots = TRUE)
# plot_function uses uses `optimize()` by default, which implements Brent optimization. # It can struggle to find local optima for messy functions. # For instance, it misses the local optimum: plot_function(function(x) sin(x) + sin(3*x) + cos(3*x), lower = 0, upper = 6, optimize = TRUE)
# you can switch to `optim()` and then set the starting value `par` (from `optim`) to get better results: plot_function(function(x) sin(x) + sin(3*x) + cos(3*x), lower = 0, upper = 6, optimize = TRUE, optim = TRUE, par = 5)
# since `plot_function` returns a ggplot object you can add ggplot stuff (e.g., change the theme, the titles, etc.) plot_function(function(x) sin(x) + sin(3*x) + cos(3*x), lower = 0, upper = 6) + theme_minimal() + labs(subtitle = "the subtitle", title = "the title")