Plot random numbers from a distribution
plot_distribution( model, n = 1000, density = FALSE, cumulative = FALSE, distribution = NULL, details = NULL, fill = "grey35", color = "grey35", alpha = 1, ... )
model | one of R's built-in probability distributions (e.g., 'rnorm', 'rpois', 'runif'). |
n | number of observations. Defaults to 1000 |
density | plot the kernel density estimates instead of the histogram. Defaults to FALSE. |
cumulative | show the cumulative distribution as well as the PDF? Defaults to FALSE. |
distribution | name of the distribution (a string). Used in the plot title(s). Defaults to NULL, in which case `model` is used in the plot title. |
details | details about the distribution (e.g., mean and sd). Used in the plot subtitle(s). Defaults to NULL. |
fill | fill color of the histogram or density. Defaults to "grey35" (the ggplot2 default) |
alpha | transparency of the histogram or density. Defaults to 1 (no transparency) |
... | additional arguments passed to `model` (e.g. mean and sd for `rnorm`, lambda for `rpois`, etc.) |
Lawrence R. De Geest
# plot the standard normal plot_distribution(model = 'rnorm')# plot the standard normal, but this time show the density, change the fill and transparency, and add a name for a nicer title plot_distribution(model = 'rnorm', density = TRUE, fill = "blue", alpha = 0.75, distribution = "Normal")# include the cumulative distribution plot_distribution(model = 'rnorm', density = TRUE, cumulative = TRUE, fill = "blue", alpha = 0.75, distribution = "Normal")# use ... to send additional arguments to `model`. # for instance, shift the distribution: plot_distribution(model = 'rnorm', mean = 15, sd = 5, distribution = "Normal")# use the details argument to make a subtitle with more details about the distribution plot_distribution(model = 'rnorm', mean = 15, sd = 5, distribution = "Normal", details = "Mean 15, SD 5")# uniform distribution plot_distribution(model = 'runif', min = 0, max = 30, distribution = "Uniform")# Poisson distribution plot_distribution(model = 'rpois', lambda = 5, cumulative = TRUE, distribution = "Poisson")